My marketing is noticed and mentioned when I’m networking

My marketing is noticed and mentioned when I’m networking

I am really pleased with how my marketing is going now that I use advantage80/20. What I love the most is that I can be myself and share my passions and interests, to help and inspire others. I can have as much or as little creative input in my email campaigns as I like, with the knowledge that Kim will weave her magic through them to make them relevant and interesting to my contacts. Kim is always there to give me inspiration and her eye for detail is second to none. Her guidance and organisation of my 36 to Convert campaign has been invaluable. My marketing is noticed and mentioned quite often when I’m networking – so I am very confident it’s working to keep me in people’s minds.

Fiona Walmsley

The Time Choice Group & Equine Choices

36 to Convert

Fiona Walmsley

The Time Choice Group & Equine Choices